Three Ways People Would Like to Interact with Your Website

If you love online shopping as much as I do, you know that there are several things that would make the experience way better.

Some of the things I personally wish websites had are probably too futuristic for the current state of our Internet (i.e. being able to try clothing on, online, and seeing exactly how it looks on your body). So for now, I will deal with our current technology.

Here are some cool things that consumers (me) would like to see websites offer:

1) Get an estimate on shipping at checkout! This provides customers with the opportunity to get the idea of how much they will be paying for shipping before they place their order. There is nothing more frustrating while shopping online than being unpleasantly surprised with shipping after you have already put all of your credit card information in. Supplying customers with the shipping cost will make them feel comfortable with buying things from your website and will be especially useful to you if you offer customers a discount (i.e. free shipping on orders over $100)

2) Be able to speak with a customer service rep in a chat popup window! This gives customers an opportunity to get all of their questions answered right then and there by someone who works for your company! It is easier than calling in, and faster than email response. Your customer service chat can even use regular business hours, but having that handy will be a big plus point to your customers!

3) Price checking on your items. A customer likes to know when they are getting a great deal, and a good way to do this for them is to show what the prices of your competitors are. If you give people great deals on items then you want to make sure that they know they are getting the deal. This will make them want to come back to your online store again and again because they know that they are getting the best deals possible!

Having these things on your website would be awesome and a total treat for the customers that come to you to shop. When a website has great products, people love to shop there, when they have great customer service, people especially want to shop there, but when a website has some super cool, new, and exciting services to offer to their customers…. there’s pretty much nothing that beats that!

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